Integrative Bodywork

Somatic and soulful bodywork treatments to nourish your nervous system, support the unravelling of tension and stress in the body, and create the space to be able to listen and attune to your innate wisdom.

This work unfolds in a gentle space oriented towards slowing down, honouring the body and listening to the emergence of each moment.

Infusing with my studies in an array modalities within the healing arts, these sessions are spaces for somatic integration of what you might be journeying through and to support your body to drop into a deep state of rest, relaxation & rejuvenation.

I have witnessed this work to be most profound when clients are committed to journeying over a period time, each session informing the next and deepening into the wisdom of your body.

Whether you come for one session or feel drawn to journey more frequently over time, each treatment is a collaborative opportunity to feel into where you are at & what your body is in need of and allowing the work to be tailored to meet you exactly where you’re at.

If what you are feeling more drawn to are my ritual bodywork sessions which are more womb-centred devotional treatments. These 2.5 hour rituals are deeper dives into your heart, womb & soul, listening to and shedding layers of ancestral energy that are not supporting you.

Each holistic treatment is a 75 minute session focussing on always moving at the pace of your nervous system, supporting your body to unravel from tension and trauma you may be holding in different areas.

Some women set the intention for this to be a fertility journey into conception and pregnancy, others as a postpartum process, while some might be needing to release tension, shame and fight/flight energy carried deep in the belly, chronic tension in the neck, shoulders and skull that is causing migraine & headaches.

This is a safe space where you are invited week after week, month after month, to deeply receive, to allow your cup to be filled up, and for your whole system to feel a deeper sense of being resourced so that you may show up to your life with more vitality and connection to your intuition and creative capacities.

These sessions are $210

and in Victoria are being offered in my beautiful temple sanctuary in North Warrandyte or on tuesdays and thursday in Thornbury for those who that is more accessible for.

I am so grateful to all of my teachers, mentors and the clients I have journeyed with over the years who have supported the evolution of this sacred work.

These sessions are a tapestry of my trainings in craniosacral therapy, heart touch, fertility, pregnancy and postpartum massage and my own learning through working with hundreds of women & their wombs over the last six years.

For bookings, journey package pricing & availabilities in Naarm, Warrandyte, Gadigal & Bundjalung Country

email me at or reach out via the form below